Junior Reporting specialist

Junior Reporting specialist
  • Maliyyə departamenti
  • Elanın yerləşdirmə tarixi:
Namizədə olan tələblər:
  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field.
  • Working towards or having completed relevant certifications (e.g., ACCA FA, FR).
  • Up to 2 years of experience in a financial reporting role, with exposure to financial statement preparation and analysis.
  • Strong analytical and research skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and experience with ERP systems.
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a team environment.

Ümumi vəzifə öhdəlikləri:
  • Assist in the preparation of financial statements and the reconciliation of accounts, ensuring accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.
  • Support the development and implementation of cost allocation models and the preparation of reports by business units.
  • Contribute to the identification and reporting of internal and related party transactions.
  • Participate in the assessment of current reporting frameworks and the development of redesigned frameworks under the guidance of senior staff
  • Help in testing new reporting frameworks, collecting feedback, and making necessary adjustments to improve report accuracy and usability.
  • Support the implementation of review and control mechanisms for reporting, including the creation of review templates and checklists.
  • Support in preparation of reports, disclosures for the annual external audit of financial statements.
  • Assist in the assessment of automation opportunities and the deployment of automated reporting systems, including user training and support.

Namizədə olan əlavə tələblər:
